Upon arrival in Canada, one of the first things you can do is enroll your child(ren) in a public school. In Canada, the public school system is free and accessible to all, no matter your citizenship status. In British Columbia, all children from 6 years old to 16 years old must attend school or study at home. Schools in Metro Vancouver are mostly organized as elementary (Kindergarten to grade 7) and secondary (grade 8 - 12). All students, no matter their prior schooling will be enrolled in the age appropriate grade. (5 years old in kindergarten, 6 years old in grade 1, 7 years old in grade 2, etc.). In some school districts, students who do not speak any English may attend an initial introductory English Language Learning (ELL) program to get them ready for school and then will transition to their neighborhood school…….

Read more about school enrollment by clicking on the blue boxes!


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